Our Principles
SEHO stands for quality “Made in Germany”. This trademark requires excellently trained employees, team spirit and innovative technologies. Through consistent research into new technologies, cooperation with partners from industry and science and, last but not least, a highly motivated team, SEHO is able to translate new trends in electronics manufacturing into series-ready processes at a very early stage.
The qualifications and commitment of our employees form the foundation for the company’s success. With flat hierarchies and a dialog-oriented corporate culture, SEHO offers freedom to assume responsibility and a variety of opportunities for professional development. Our social commitment goes far beyond the legal requirements and further training in the form of internal and external seminars are a matter of course for us.
Innovations are a significant factor for growth. The work of our technicians and process engineers today forms the basis for the company’s success tomorrow. That is why SEHO consistently focuses on research and development.
Every year, SEHO spends around 8% of sales on research and development, which is well above the industry average. The focus of our activities is on future technologies, but also on the continuous further development of our soldering systems.
Communication and cooperation are important prerequisites for efficient research and development activities. Therefore, the employees of SEHO R & D maintain intensive contacts with numerous partners at universities, research institutes and commercial enterprises.
We are proud that SEHO was one of the first companies in the industry to be certified according to DIN EN ISO 14001.
However, our operational environmental protection still goes far beyond the extent of the legal requirements. For example, we have been a certified participant in the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact since 2021, and we are successively implementing the recommendations from the energy audit according to DIN EN 16247-1, which we conducted in 2022.
What our customers say

What we particularly appreciate about the cooperation with SEHO is the many years of reliable collaboration, friendly interaction with each other and always an open ear for any problems. I see the strength of SEHO especially in the innovation of new systems, regardless of whether this is in wave or in selective soldering. They also respond to special requests, e.g. our SelectLine-20, which was built more or less according to our requirements.

BMK Group
We experience SEHO's availability as very good - coupled with fast and professional support. Both in the event of unscheduled machine defects and in the case of production processes at the limit, which can involve unpredictability, SEHO's application engineers are available to answer all technical and content-related questions. Customer orientation is lived at SEHO. We count as customers. In addition, BMK and SEHO have a technology partnership on innovations and research projects. Together, we ensure the success of BMK's customers.

Melecs EWS GmbH
Even if a position at SEHO changes, a contact person can still be found quickly. Issues in all matters are dealt with quickly and very competently.
In my many years of partnership with SEHO, I can only confirm that customer satisfaction is constantly maintained at a very high level.

A production company from Austria in the solar industry
Open, honest and appreciative communication is a guarantee for success for a long-term good cooperation. Flexibility and targeted response to our needs and wishes are among your strengths. SEHO always steps in when the shoe pinches - experience, quality and innovative strength - you can feel it!

Siemens AG, Erlangen equipment factory
The quick accessibility and professional cooperation with SEHO is outstanding. In our long-standing partnership, SEHO has always responded to our wishes and shown a high degree of flexibility.

binder electronic manufacturing services GmbH & Co KG
- Competent contact persons for service
- Consulting before buying a machine is fair
- Very good training seminars at SEHO as well as on-site at our own company, also webinars
- Fast spare parts supply

Nord Electronic Drivesystems GmbH
We very much appreciate that there are uncomplicated solutions for almost all requirements in new projects and that we grow together on technical challenges. If there are any problems, you always have a competent contact person on the same level.
We see the great strength in the constant further development and continuous improvement of the machines and the product portfolio, especially in handling and automation SEHO has become a system provider - everything from one source.
Our History & Achievements
Foundation of SEHO Seitz & Hohnerlein GmbH. The young company starts in Collenberg with its first wave soldering machine KLA.

Construction of the main building at the new location in Kreuzwertheim / Wiebelbach - the current company headquarters.
The production area is extended by the production building II.

With the market launch of the first nitrogen soldering system SEHO revolutionizes the manufacturing of electronic products.
In addition to the existing production area, the development building was constructed.

Establishment of SEHO USA Inc. which was renamed SEHO North America, Inc. in 2005.
The company founders Heinz Seitz and Ernst Hohnerlein sell the shares in the company to the new managing partner Horst Lettner.

SEHO obtains ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification.
The SEHO MaxiReflow receives
a technology award.
In addition, SEHO is taken over by the previous commercial director, Uwe Adler, and the previous technical director, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Markus Walter, as part of a management buy-out. The company is now trading
under the name SEHO Systems GmbH.

Another building is erected on the company's property. This time it is the new logistics center.
The managing
Partner Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Markus Walter takes over all
company shares and is writing SEHO's success story.
SEHO also presents the first AOI system that is directly integrated into a soldering system and receives an international technology award for it.

Construction of the new Technology Center & Sales Building is completed.
SEHO receives an international technology award for integrated additional processes in selective soldering systems.

Expansion of the production area by a further approx. 1200 m².
Foundation of SEHO Systems Korea Ltd., near Seoul, South Korea.

SEHO Systems China Ltd. opens in Shanghai.
SEHO receives the renowned productronica innovation award in the category soldering technology.

SEHO receives an
international technology award for SmartSplit.
SEHO is also celebrating the 45th anniversary since the company was founded in 1976.
Restructuring towards a holding structure and Lena Walter joining the company.

SEHO is introducing the 4-day working week in the manufacturing and logistics departments, thus becoming a pioneer in the region.
Takeover of PreCAM GmbH.

#Happy Start
Social commitment of SEHO
Over the years, SEHO has supported many regional, but also nationwide associations as well as culturally or socially committed organizations in their important work. Especially when it comes to accompanying children and young people on their way into life.
Whether with a set of new jerseys or tracksuits, or with our contribution to the cost of travel to games and competitions, we have already been able to look into many shining children’s eyes.
Since the beginning of 2023, we have therefore also been sponsoring on a larger scale a regional club that is particularly committed to children’s and youth work and has been doing outstanding work in this area on a voluntary basis for a long time. We are pleased to be able to support this commitment.
Internationally, too, we have always been committed to ensuring that children can grow up happily and safely in a peaceful environment. Our “first child” was Neda, for whom we took over a sponsorship in an SOS Children’s Village in 2004. Since then, we have given many children a happy start into a future where their dreams can become reality.
Posts on this topic from our blog

We have been supporting SOS Children's Villages around the world for many years because we firmly believe that children should grow up happily and safely in a peaceful environment.(c) SOS-Kinderdorf / Ruben Hamahiga dela CruzSince

Just in time for the first home game of the SV Eintracht Nassig 1st team, the SEHO Arena was officially inaugurated. As part of a sponsorship for the sports club, SEHO Systems GmbH acquired the

We are particularly pleased to support clubs and organizations in our region and thus make an important contribution in our immediate environment. Most recently, we made a financial contribution to the men's ballet of the

The Lutheran church district of Wertheim is organizing the "Organ Music at Market Time" in Wertheim's Stiftskirche for the second time. From Easter to October, there are 26 concerts and attract visitors to downtown Wertheim

Code of Conduct.
Our Code of Conduct sets out the fundamental principles and values to which we are committed in our daily dealings with employees, customers, suppliers, society and the environment as part of our global business activities.
We act according to an integrated corporate concept that includes all social, ecological and economic contributions of a company to the voluntary assumption of social responsibility in a sustainable manner and beyond legal standards. In this respect, we are responsible for creating and maintaining a corporate culture in which the observance of the legal principles mentioned below as well as ethical principles are upheld to the best of our ability. The SEHO Group is committed to compliance with the following principles.
Responsibility towards employees, society and the environment
Human rights
We support and respect the UN Human Rights Charter and ensure that we do not engage in human rights abuses through our business activities.
Prohibition of child labor
We do not hire any employees* who do not meet the respective legal minimum age for employees. Young employees are subject to special protection until they reach the age of majority.
Equal opportunities and equal treatment
We promote equal opportunities and equal treatment of our employees – regardless of their nationality, ethnic origin, gender, religion or ideology, any disability, age or sexual identity. Discrimination must not be practiced at any time.
As we attach great importance to equality, we have a certain quota of female management personnel.
Product conformity and safety
We deliver our machines to our customers in good quality and demand the same from our suppliers.
Environmental protection
Sustainable environmental protection and resource efficiency are important corporate goals for us.
We pay attention to the reduction of resources and the use of sustainable materials not only for our machines but also for operational processes. At our main location, we therefore only use 100% natural electricity from hydropower as well as electricity from our own generation through our photovoltaic system.
Through our certified environmental management system according to ISO DIN 14001:2015, our environmental measures are regularly reviewed and adjustments are made.
We believe that every employee can contribute to the protection of the environment and climate through his or her behavior. To strengthen the ecological awareness of our employees, we regularly inform them about topics related to the environment and sustainability.
Social commitment
As an active member of society, we are involved in various ways. Donations are made solely in the interests of the company.
Continuing education and training
We offer our employees the opportunity to take part in further training courses and support them in this. We also cooperate with various universities in the areas of further education and research and development.
Dealing with customers, business partners
Compliance with the law is a fundamental principle of our economically responsible conduct.
We comply with the laws of the respective applicable legal system; this also applies in particular to the applicable laws on fair competition, data protection, protection of intellectual property of third parties, anti-money laundering and insider trading.
Fair Competition
We promote fair competition and comply with antitrust law as well as other competition-regulating regulations and competition-protecting laws. Agreements that restrict competition, such as price and cartel agreements with competitors, suppliers or customers, are not tolerated.
Prohibition of Corruption
The SEHO Group is committed to the principles of transparency, accountability, solidarity, moral courage, justice and democracy.
We take a clear stand against corruption. Corruption, embezzlement and bribery will not be tolerated in any form. This also applies to any unlawful offers of payment or similar benefits to government officials and other decision-makers in order to influence their decision-making.
Conflict of Interest
We are aware that decisions related to professional activities must not be influenced by personal relationships and private interests.
Our partners and suppliers are also required to take steps to avoid any conflicts of interest or situations that may lead to a potential conflict of interest. This includes a conflict between the professional activities of our employees, employees of suppliers and partners and their personal interests or those of their close relatives, friends or acquaintances.
Gifts, hospitality
Allowances in the form of gifts exceeding a merchandise value of 35.00€ may not be accepted. In addition, our employees are generally prohibited from accepting gifts that influence or appear to influence business decisions.
Business Partners
We are committed to appropriately promoting compliance with the principles and core values of this Code of Conduct among our suppliers and partners.
We observe the principles of non-discrimination in the selection of and dealings with our suppliers and partners in the same manner as we do with our employees.
Export Policy
We operate an export management system at our main site in accordance with the rules of the European Union and the Federal Republic of Germany and strictly observe export bans. We do not tolerate any form of circumvention within our sphere of influence and do not engage in it in any way. We do not conduct any business where corresponding indications exist.
Guidelines for the workplace
Basic rights
We respect the personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of every individual and do not employ anyone against their will or force anyone to work.
We do not tolerate unacceptable treatment of employees, such as discrimination, coercion, abuse, exploitation or sexual harassment.
Our employees receive fair compensation that guarantees the legally established national minimum wage. We also comply with the legal rules on working hours applicable in the respective country.
We recognize the freedom of association of our employees. We neither favor nor discriminate against members in employee organizations or trade unions.
Confidentiality and data protection
Information about customers, partners, employees and competitors that is not in the public domain is treated confidentially and not disclosed to unauthorized third parties or used for private purposes. Business secrets are treated confidentially.
Personal data is used and processed only in the course of business.
Occupational safety and health protection
We assume responsibility for the safety of our employees in the work environment. In this respect, we take the best possible precautionary measures to contain risks and avoid or prevent accidents and occupational illnesses.
Compliance with laws, regulations and other requirements in the area of occupational safety and health protection is a matter of course for us.
Our employees receive regular training in occupational safety and are required to know and follow the safety instructions and regulations relevant to them.
To promote the health of our employees, we offer opportunities for commuting to work as well as at the workplace.
We also implement the New Work model. For example, home office, a flexitime model ensure a good work-life balance.
The future of our employees is important to us. That’s why we support them in the areas of pension plans and insurance.
Confidential company information
We have extensive company and business secrets as well as know-how. This knowledge serves as the basis for our business success. Confidential information and business documents must be protected from access by uninvolved colleagues and other third parties.
Any damage to the company resulting from the unauthorized disclosure of such knowledge may have consequences under labor, civil and criminal law for the employee concerned.
We reserve the right to make appropriate changes to this Code of Conduct in the event of changes in the requirements for the listed principles of conduct.
SEHO Systems GmbH
February 14, 2022
*Note: For better readability, the masculine form is used for personal names and personal nouns in this document.